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January 8, 2013

The Wonders of a Behavior Chart and Writing Process Posters

That may be the world's longest blog post title ever.

I have been completely amazed by how successful the behavior charts have been that I started with my kidlets yesterday! Now, I know that it has only been two days (I'm not naive...I realize that we are in the honeymoon phase), but Princess A and Deedle have really responded to them! I made a HUGE deal about introducing them yesterday morning before school, and Deedle told his daycare provider about his "behave" chart as soon as he walked in her door. Last night, before bed, I had the kids choose stickers to add to their charts and they put them on their charts by themselves. I guess it's fair to say that they are invested in the process! In fact, when our loyal-but-completely-driven-by-instinct Border Collie, Kin, tried to herd Princess A tonight while we were having a dance party and nipped her back, Deedle immediately went to her, hugged and kissed her, and said, "I hope you feel better!" Aw! I am especially grateful that the charts are effective because KShaf has had to work for the past four nights. The kids have seen him for half an hour in the past 48 hours, and I'm not sure who is having a harder time with the separation: KShaf or the kids!. If I had to single parent two unmanageable kids for four straight days, I'd lose my mind!

My teammate, SpurDog, developed a writing lesson this week to assess the students' ability to write a descriptive piece. She introduced the writing process (using a combination of language from the Craft Plus and 6+1 Writing Traits writing programs), so I created a set of posters to support the lessons that SpurDog wrote. Click below to grab them in my TPT store!

Off to get a head-start on sub plans! I'll be out of the classroom on Thursday because I'm participating in our county-wide Courageous Conversations professional development.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower. You're right -- great minds do think alike!

    Learning With Susie Q

